Adı Soyadı Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Gamze SOYTÜRK
Birimi Teknoloji Fakültesi
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  • Alanında, uluslararası yayınlanan özgün bilimsel kitapta bölüm ve ünite yazarlığı
  • 1KIZILKAN Ö., NIŽETIĆ‬ S., YILDIRIM G. (2016). Energy, Transportation and Global Warming. (pp. 175-192). Springer.
    • SCI, SSCI ve AHCI tarafından taranan dergilerde yayımlanan teknik not, editöre mektup, tartışma, vaka takdimi ve özet türünden yayınlar dışındaki makale
    • 1SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2025). Energetic and Exergetic Analysis of Multi-Energy Hybrid System Including Geothermal, Green Hydrogen, and Cold Energy Storage (In Press). International Journal of Exergy, .
    • 2SOYTÜRK G. (2024). Design and Thermodynamic Analysis of Sustainable Hybrid System based on Solar Tower and Helium Gas Cycle for Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Production. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 72.
    • 3SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö., EZAN M. A., ÇOLPAN C. Ö. (2024). Design, Modeling, and Analysis of a PV/T and PEM Fuel Cell Based Hybrid Energy System for an Off-Grid House. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 67, 1181-1193.
    • 4SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2024). An Innovative OTEC and PV/T-Based Multi-Generation System with LNG Cold Energy Recovery for Sustainable Production of Hydrogen and Distilled Water. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 75, 613-624.
    • 5SOYTÜRK G., Çetinkaya S. A., Yekta M. A., Joghan M. M. K., Mohebi H., KIZILKAN Ö., Ghandehariun A. M., ÇOLPAN C. Ö., ACAR C., Ghandehariun S. (2024). Dynamic Analysis and Multi-Objective Optimization of Solar and Hydrogen Energy-Based Systems for Residential Applications: A Review. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 75, 662-689.
    • 6Çetinkaya S. A., Dişli T., SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö., ÇOLPAN C. Ö. (2023). A Review on Thermal Coupling of Metal Hydride Storage Tanks with Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers. Energies, 16.
    • 7SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö., EZAN M. A., ÇOLPAN C. Ö. (2023). PVT Integrated Hydrogen Production with Small-Scale Transcritical Power Cycle. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 180, 351-360.
    • 8SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö., EZAN M. A., ÇOLPAN C. Ö. (2023). Sizing of a Solar and Hydrogen-Based Integrated Energy System of a Stand-Alone House in Izmir. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48, 39182-39196.
    • 9ÇELİK T. S., SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2022). Development of a Sustainable Multi-Generation System with Re-Compression sCO2 Brayton Cycle for Hydrogen Generation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47, 19397-19410.
      • SCI, SSCI ve AHCI dışındaki indeks ve özler tarafından taranan Ulusal dergilerde yayımlanan teknik not, editöre mektup, tartışma, vaka takdimi ve özet türünden yayınlar dışındaki makale
      • 1SOYTÜRK G. (2024). Design and Performance Evaluation of Multi-Generation System based on Transcritical CO2 Rankine Cycle and Helium Gas Turbine with Hydrogen Production. Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 12, 2297-2314.
      • 2SOYTÜRK G., ÇELİK T. S., KIZILKAN Ö. (2022). Thermodynamic Analysis of Ammonia Based Direct Steam Generation Trigeneration System. El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, 9, 721-739.
        • SCI, SSCI ve AHCI dışındaki indeks ve özler tarafından taranan Uluslararası dergilerde yayımlanan teknik not, editöre mektup, tartışma, vaka takdimi ve özet türünden yayınlar dışındaki makale
        • 1SOYTÜRK G. (2023). Performance Assessment of PV/T Driven Transcritical Rankine Cycle: A Comparative Study on Supercritical Working Fluids. International Journal of Technological Sciences, 15, 37-48.
        • 2SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö., EZAN M. A. (2022). Mathematical Modeling of a Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) Collector. International Journal of Technological Sciences, 14, 144-152.
          • Ulusal toplantıda sunularak tam metin olarak yayımlanan bildiri
          • 1SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2024). İklimlendirme Sistemleri İçin Enerji Verimliliği Uygulamaları: Termal Enerji Depolama. 5.Ulusal İklimlendirme Kongresi, Aralık 12-14, Antalya.
          • 2Alptekin M., YILDIRIM G., Gündoğdu Ö. F., KIZILKAN Ö., KABUL A. (2015). Türkiye de ve Dünyada Enerji Depolama Önemi Ve Gelecekteki Durumu. 3. Anadolu Enerji Sempozyumu, Ekim 1-3, Muğla.
          • 3YILDIRIM G., ALPTEKİN M., KIZILKAN Ö., KABUL A. (2015). Bir Jeotermal Güç Santralinin Termodinamik Analizi. 20. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi, Eylül 2-5, Balıkesir, 474-482.
            • Uluslararası toplantıda sunularak tam metin olarak yayımlanan bildiri
            • 1SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2024). Examination of PVT-Based Low Temperature Rankine Cycle Using Supercritical Working Fluids for LNG Cold Energy Recovery. VIII. International Halich Congress on Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, Aralık 3-5, İstanbul.
            • 2SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2024). Thermodynamic Assessment of a Hybrid Biogas, Kalina, and recompression sCO₂ Brayton Cycle System for Enhanced Energy Recovery. 6th International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences, Eylül 25-26, Konya.
            • 3SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2024). Performance Analysis of a Novel Geothermal-Solar Assisted Polygeneration System with Helium Cycle and Thermoelectric Generator. 6th International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences, Eylül 25-26, Konya.
            • 4SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2024). Single Flash Geothermal Power Plant with Bottoming Helium Brayton Cycle: A Comprehensive Evaluation. 7th International Conferences on Science and Technology, Eylül 4-6, Durres.
            • 5SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2024). Hydrogen and Power Generation with PVT Assisted ORC Using LNG Cold Energy for Low Temperature Applications. 7th International Conferences on Science and Technology, Eylül 4-6, Durres.
            • 6SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2024). Proposal and Evaluation of Biogas-Fired Power Plant Integrated with Helium Gas Cycle and Power-Ejector Refrigeration Cycle. 3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research (ICFAR 2024), Haziran 15-16, Konya.
            • 7SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2024). Thermodynamic Assessments of a Novel Hybrid System Based on a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. 3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research (ICFAR 2024), Haziran 15-16, Konya.
            • 8SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2024). A novel SOFC based Multi-Generation System with Recompression sCO2-BC, Reheat tCO2-RC, HDH Unit and H2 Production. 8th International Hydrogen Technologies Congress (IHTEC-2024), Mayıs 12-15, Diyarbakır.
            • 9Khanmohammadi S., SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2024). Thermal Performance of a Biogas-Fed Multi-generation Plant for Power, Cooling, and Hydrogen Generation with LNG Cold Energy Recovery. 8th International Hydrogen Technologies Congress (IHTEC-2024), Mayıs 12-15, Diyarbakır.
            • 10SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2024). Study on Helium Brayton Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery in a Cement Plant. 9th International Science and Innovation Congress, Mart 16-17, Şanlıurfa.
            • 11SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2024). Closed Brayton Cycle Applıcatıons Usıng Solar Dısh Collector: A Comparatıve Evaluatıon for Aır, Helıum and Nıtrogen. 9th International Science and Innovation Congress, Mart 16-17, Şanlıurfa.
            • 12SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2023). Conceptual Design and Analysis of a Solar Energy Based Multi-Generation System with Helium Gas Cycle, Green Ammonia and Hydrogen Production. 14th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES-14), Aralık 24-27, İstanbul.
            • 13KIZILKAN Ö., SOYTÜRK G. (2023). Thermodynamic Analysis of Multi-Energy Integrated System Combining Geothermal, Green Hydrogen, and Cold Energy Storage. 14th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES-14), Aralık 24-27, İstanbul.
            • 14SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2023). Evaluation of PV/T Performance for Different Nanofluids for Isparta Conditions. 6.Uluslararası Marmara Bilimsel Araştırmalar ve İnovasyon Kongresi, Ekim 7-8, İstanbul.
            • 15SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2023). A Comparative Analysis of the Rankine Cycle for Supercritical Working Fluids: Single-Effect Geothermal Power Plant Example. 6.Uluslararası Marmara Bilimsel Araştırmalar ve İnovasyon Kongresi, Ekim 7-8, İstanbul.
            • 16SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2023). Dynamic Modeling of a Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) Collector for Isparta. 6th International Conferences on Science and Technology (ICONST-2023), Ağustos 30-1, Budva.
            • 17SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö., Khanmohammadi S. (2023). Development of Gas-Cooled Modular Reactor Based Helium Gas Turbine with Bottoming Transcritical CO2 Rankine Cycle and Hydrogen Production. 6th International Conferences on Science and Technology (ICONST-2023), Ağustos 30-1, Budva.
            • 18SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2023). Comparative Evaluation of Bottoming Transcritical Rankine Cycles for Double-Flash Geothermal Power Plant with Hydrogen Production. 6th International Conference on Sustainable Science and Technology (ICSuSaT-2023), Temmuz 14-16, İstanbul.
            • 19SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2023). Energy and Exergy Assessment of Integrated Photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T), PEM Electrolyzer and Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) for Different Working Fluids. 6th International Conference on Sustainable Science and Technology (ICSuSaT-2023), Temmuz 14-16, İstanbul.
            • 20SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö., EZAN M. A., ÇOLPAN C. Ö. (2023). Dynamic Simulation of a PV and PEM Fuel Cell Based Hybrid Energy System for an Off-Grid House. 7th International Hydrogen Technologies Congress (IHTEC-2023), Mayıs 10-12, Elazığ.
            • 21KIZILKAN Ö., SOYTÜRK G. (2023). Development of a Novel OTEC-Based CO2 Rankine Bycle with LNG Cold Energy Recovery for Sustainable Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Freshwater Production. 7th International Hydrogen Technologies Congress (IHTEC-2023), Mayıs 10-12, Elazığ.
            • 22ÇELİK T. S., SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2022). An Assessment and Thermodynamic Performance Modelling of Partial Cooling CO2 Brayton Cycle Integrated with Solar Dish Collector. International Conferences on Science and Technology Engineering Sciences and Technology (ICONST-2022), Eylül 7-9, Budva.
            • 23SOYTÜRK G., ÇELİK T. S., KIZILKAN Ö. (2022). Assessment of Geothermal Energy Based Combined Power and Ejector Refrigeration Cycle Working with R600a. International Conferences on Science and Technology Engineering Sciences and Technology (ICONST-2022), Eylül 7-9, Budva.
            • 24SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö., EZAN M. A., ÇOLPAN C. Ö. (2022). Mathematical Modeling and Dynamic Simulation of a PV-Based Hydrogen Generation and Storage System. 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC-2022), Haziran 26-30, İstanbul.
            • 25SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö., EZAN M. A., ÇOLPAN C. Ö. (2022). Solar Assisted Hydrogen Production Via PV/T Assisted Small Scale Transcritical Power Cycle with Direct Steam Generation . 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC-2022), Haziran 26-30, İstanbul.
            • 26ÇELİK T. S., SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2021). Performance Analysis of PTSC Driven sCO2 Closed Brayton Cycle Integrated with an Organic Rankine Cycle and Absorption Refrigeration System. 23rd Congress on Thermal Science and Technology with International Participation (ULIBTK-2021), Eylül 8-10, Gaziantep.
            • 27SOYTÜRK G., ÇELİK T. S., YAMAGUCHI H., KIZILKAN Ö. (2021). Comparative Performance Assessment of an Organic Rankine Cycle Driven by Evacuated U-Tube Solar Collectors. 23rd Congress on Thermal Science and Technology with International Participation (ULIBTK-2021), Eylül 8-10, Gaziantep.
            • 28ÇELİK T. S., SOYTÜRK G., YAMAGUCHI H., KIZILKAN Ö. (2021). Thermodynamic Assessment of Solar-Driven Rankine Cycle for Supercritical Working Fluids. International Conferences on Science and Technology (ICONST-2021), Eylül 8-10, Budva.
            • 29SOYTÜRK G., ÇELİK T. S., KIZILKAN Ö. (2021). Comparative Thermodynamic Investigation of Ground Coupled Refrigeration System for Supercritical Refrigerants. International Conferences on Science and Technology (ICONST-2021), Eylül 8-10, Budva.
            • 30ÇELİK T. S., SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2021). Development of Sustainable Multigeneration System with Recompression sCO2 Brayton Cycle for Hydrogen Production. 5th International Hydrogen Technologies Congress (IHTEC-2021), May 26-28, 2021, Mayıs 26-28, Niğde.
            • 31SOYTÜRK G., ÇELİK T. S., KIZILKAN Ö. (2021). Proposal of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Based Subcritical CO2 Power Cycle for Clean Hydrogen Production. 5th International Hydrogen Technologies Congress (IHTEC-2021), May 26-28, 2021, Mayıs 26-28, Niğde.
            • 32ÇELİK T. S., SOYTÜRK G., KIZILKAN Ö. (2021). Turkey’s Pumped Hydro Storage Status: Current Scheme and Potential. 5th International Anatolian Energy Symposium, Mart 24-26, Trabzon.
            • 33SOYTÜRK G., ÇELİK T. S., KIZILKAN Ö. (2021). Design and Analysis of Evacuated Tube Solar Collector Integrated Supercritical Brayton Cycle for Low Temperature Applications . 5th International Anatolian Energy Symposium, Mart 24-26, Trabzon.
            • 34SOYTÜRK G., KABUL A. (2019). Düzlemsel Havalı Güneş Kolektörlü Depolama Sistemi İle Parabolik Güneş Kolektörlü Depolama Sisteminin Mahal Isıtmada Kullanılabilirliğinin Karşılaştırılması. International Conferences on Science and Technology ICONST 2019, Ağustos 26-30, PRİZEN, 436-457.
            • 35SOYTÜRK G., KABUL A. (2019). Düzlemsel Havalı Güneş Kolektörlü Depolama Sisteminin Termodinamik Analizi. International Conferences on Science and Technology ICONST 2019, Ağustos 26-30, PRİZEN, 490-503.
            • 36SOYTÜRK G., KABUL A., SELBAŞ R. (2019). Investigation of Availability of Parabolic Solar Collector Storage Systemin Local Heating. International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Built Environment, Haziran 19-20, İSTANBUL, 32-33.
            • 37SOYTÜRK G., KABUL A. (2018). Investigation of the Usability of Planar Air Solar Collectorized Storage System in District Heating. International Conference on Science and Technology ICONST 2018, Eylül 5-9, Prizren, 894-907.
            • 38KIZILKAN Ö., KABUL A., YILDIRIM Ş., YILDIRIM G. (2016). Experimental Analysis of Latent Thermal Energy Storage for Solar Heating Applications Preliminary Results.. 8th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES-8), Mayıs 1-4, Antalya, 183-189.
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                • Akademik Görevler
                • 1Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi/Teknoloji Fakültesi/Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü/Termodinamik Anabilim Dalı/ Doktor Öğretim Üyesi (2023-...)
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                  • Alanında bilimsel araştırma ve çalışmalar
                  • 1Soyturk G. Dynamic Modeling And Simulation Of Solar And Hydrogen Energy-Based Electricity Generation System For Off-Grid Applications (2023-2023) ,12Th International Seminar On Thermodynamic Engineering Of Fluids, Tarragona, Spain,