Adı Soyadı Prof. Dr. Nebi BİLİR
Birimi Orman Fakültesi
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  • Alanında ulusal yayınlanan kitap çevirisi
  • 1ÖZEL H. B., VAROL T., BİLİR N., YAZICI H. (2022). Ormancılık ve Doğal Kaynaklara Giriş. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
    • Alanında uluslararası yayınlanan özgün bilimsel kitap
    • 1Kang K., BİLİR N. (2021). Seed Orchards. Ankara, CRN Promotion and Press.
      • SCI, SSCI ve AHCI tarafından taranan dergilerde yayımlanan teknik not, editöre mektup, tartışma, vaka takdimi ve özet türünden yayınlar dışındaki makale
      • 1YARDİBİ F., Kang K., ÖZBEY A. A., BİLİR N. (2024). Bibliometric Analysis of Trends and Future Directions of Research and Development of Seed Orchards (Q1).. Forests, 15, 1-19.
      • 2BİLİR N., YAZICI N. (2024). Effects of climatic factors on strobilus production of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) populations. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 155, 2151-2159.
      • 3YAZICI N., BİLİR N. (2023). Impact of Crown Closure on Cone Production and Effective Number of Parents in Natural Stands of Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) (Q1). Forests, 14, 1-12.
      • 4Kang K., BİLİR N., Jeon K., Kim Y. (2023). Fertility Variation and Gene Diversity in Forest Populations (Q1). Forests, 14, 1-14.
      • 5BİLİR N., Jeon K., Kim Y., Kang K. (2023). Fertility Variation and Effective Population Size across Varying Acorn Yields in Turkey Oak (Quercus cerris L.): Implications for Seed Source Management (Q1). Forests, 14, 1-13.
      • 6BMariotti B., Oliet J. A., Andivia E., Tsakaldimi M., Villar‑Salvador P., Ivetić V., Montagnoli A., Kerkez J. I., BİLİR N., Bohlenius H., Cvjetković B., Dūmiņš K., Heiskanen J., Hinkov G., Sundheim F. I., Cocozza C. (2023). A Global Review on Innovative, Sustainable, and Effective Materials Composing Growing Media for Forest Seedling Production (Q1). Current Forestry Reports, 9, 413-428.
      • 7Mataruga M., Cvjetković B., De C. B., Avena I., Zhelev P., Cudlín P., Metslaid M., Kankaanhuhta V., Collet C., Annighöfer P., Mathes T., Tsakaldimi M., Despoina P., Jónsdóttir R. J., Monteverdi M. C., de D. G., BMariotti B., Kolevska D. D., Lazarević J., Sundheim F. I., Klisz M., Gil W., Paiva V., Fonseca T., Nicolescu V., Popović V., Devetaković J., Repáč I., Božič G., Kraigher H., Andivia E., Diez J. J., Böhlenius H., Löf M., BİLİR N., Villar‑Salvador P. (2023). Monitoring and control of forest seedling quality in Europe (Q1). FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 546, 1-10.
      • 8Alimpić F., Milovanović J., Pielech R., Hinkov G., Jansson R., Dufour S., Beza M., BİLİR N., del B. L. S., Božič G., Bruno D., Chiarabaglio P. M., Doncheva N., GÜLTEKİN Y. S., Ivanković M., Kelly-Quinn M., La P. N., Nonić M., Notivol E., Papastergiadou E., Šijačić-Nikolić M., Vietto L., Villar M., Zhelev P., Rodríguez-González P. M. (2022). The status and role of genetic diversity of trees for the conservation and management of riparian ecosystems: A European experts perspective (Q1). Wiley, 59, 2476-2485.
      • 10BİLİR N., Kang K. (2021). Fertility variation, seed collection and gene diversity in natural stands of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani). European Journal of Forest Research, 140, 199-208.
      • 11YÜCEDAĞ C., BİLİR N., ÖZEL H. B. (2019). Phytohormone effect on seedling quality in Hungarian oak. Forest Systems, 28, 1-7.
      • 13VAROL T., ÖZEL H. B., BİLİR N. (2017). Drought effects on reproductive and growth characteristics in seed orchards.. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 49, 1225-1229.
      • 14AVCI A. B., BİLİR N. (2017). Effects of Growth and Geographic Characteristics on Essential Oil of Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.).. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26, 3919-3923.
      • 15YAZICI N., BİLİR N. (2017). Aspectual Fertility Variation and Its Effect on Gene Diversity of Seeds in Natural Stands of Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.).. International Journal of Genomics, , 1-5.
      • 16GÜLCÜ S., BİLİR N. (2017). Growth and survival variation among Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) provenances. International Journal of Genomics, 1, 1-15.
      • 17BİLİR N., ÇATAL Y., TEKOCAK S., ÇERÇİOĞLU M. (2017). Fertility variation in endemic populations of Ehrami black pine (Pinus nigraArnold. subsp. pallasiana var. pyramidata). Journal of Forestry Research, 28, 683-686.
      • 18GÜLCÜ S., Akçakaya M., BİLİR N. (2016). Genetic variation in Anatolian black pine Pinus nigra Arn subsp pallasiana Lamb Holmboe populations in Turkey. Journal of Environmental Biology, 37, 261-265.
      • 19ÖZEL H. B., BİLİR N. (2016). Fertility variation in two populations of taurus cedar Cedrus libani Rich. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 48, 1129-1132.
      • 20ÖZEL H. B., BİLİR N. (2015). Fertility variation and status number in a clonal seed orchard of Scotch Pine Pinus sylvestris L. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 24, 2035-2038.
      • 21GÜLCÜ S., BİLİR N. (2015). Provenance Variations of Scots Pine Pinus sylvestris L in the Southern part of Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 47, 1883-1893.
      • 22AVCI A. B., BİLİR N. (2014). Variation in Essential Oil Content and Composition of Crimean Juniper Juniperus excelsa Berries during the Growth Periods. journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 17, 478-485.
      • 23BİLİR N., AVCI A. B. (2013). Essential Oil in Taurus Cedar Cedrus libani A Rich Seeds J. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 16, 538-544.
      • 24DUTKUNER İ., BİLİR N. (2011). Clonal repeatability for some seedling characters in Stone pine (Pinus pinea L.). FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN, 22, 484-488.
      • 25BİLİR N. (2011). Fertility variation and its consequences on gene diversity in the conservation of Turkish dog rose Rosa canina L. F.Env.Bul., , 340-345.
      • 26BİLİR N. (2011). Clonal repeatability for some seedling characters in Stone pine Pinus pinea L. F.Env.Bul., , 484-488.
      • 27BİLİR N. (2011). Fertility variation in Wild rose Rosa canina over habitat classes. In.Jou.Agr.and Biol., , 110-114.
      • 28DUTKUNER İ., MD U., BİLİR N. (2008). Influence of growth on reproductive traits and its effect on fertility and gene diversity in a clonal seed orchard of Scots pine Pinus Sylvestris L. journal of environmental biology, 29, 349-352.
      • 29BİLİR N., PRESCHER F., LINDGREN D., KROON J. (2008). Variation in cone and seed characters in clonal seed orchards of Pinus sylvestris. New Forests, 36, 187-199.
      • 30ÇİÇEK E., ÇİÇEK N., BİLİR N. (2007). Effects of seedbed density on one year old Fraxinus angustifolia seedling characteristics and outplanting performance. NEW FORESTS, 33, 81-91.
      • 31AYAN S., SIVACIOĞLU A., BİLİR N. (2006). Growth variation of Paulownia Sieb and Zucc species and origins at the nursery stage in Kastamonu Turkey. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY, 27, 499-504.
      • 32BİLİR N., PRESCHER F., AYAN S., LINDGREN D. (2006). Growth characters and number of strobili in clonal seed orchards of Pinus sylvestris. EUPHYTICA, 152, 293-301.
      • 33BİLİR N., KANG K., LIBDGREN D. (2005). Fertility Variation in six Populations of Brutian Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) over an altitudinal range.. EUPHYTICA, 141, 163-168.
      • 34BİLİR N., KyuSuk K., Zang D., Lindgren D. (2004). Fertility Variation and Status Number between a Base Population and a Seed Orchard of Pinus brutia Ten. silvae genetica, 53, 161-163.
      • 35BİLİR N., KANG K., LINDGREN D. (2003). Fertility Variation and Effective Number in the Seed ProductionAreas of Pinus radiata and Pinus pinaste. SILVAE GENETICA, 52, 75-77.
      • 36BİLİR N., Kang K., Öztürk H. (2002). Fertility Variation and Gene Diversity in Clonal Seed Orchards of Pinus brutia Pinus nigra and Pinus sylvestris in Turkey. silvae genetica, 51, 112-115.
      • 37YAHYAOĞLU Z., DEMİRCİ A., BİLİR N., GENÇ M. (2001). Comparison of 22 Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) origins by seedling morphological distance. Turkisj Journal of Biology, 25, 221-228.
      • 38DEMİRCİ A., BİLİR N. (2001). Yaşı 3-0 Olan Toros Sediri (Cedrus libani A.Rich.) Fidanlarında Orijinler ArasıFarklılıklar.. Tübitak Tarım ve Ormancılık Dergisi, 25, 217-223.
        • SCI, SSCI ve AHCI dışındaki indeks ve özler tarafından taranan Uluslararası dergilerde yayımlanan teknik not, editöre mektup, tartışma, vaka takdimi ve özet türünden yayınlar dışındaki makale
        • 1BİLİR N. (2024). Cone Yield and Growth Characteristics in a Plantation of Cupressus sempervirens. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 7, 77-82.
        • 2ÖZBEY A. A., BİLİR N. (2024). Seedling Morphology and Quality in Crimean Juniper (Juniperus excelsa Bieb.). The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry", 70, 163-171.
        • 3YAZICI N., Novikova T. P., Novikov A. I., BİLİR N. (2023). Gene Diversity in Seed Crop of Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) Over An Altitudinal Range. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 16, 63-71.
        • 4BİLİR N., BABALIK A. A., ÖZEL H. B., Öztürk Y. O., Baloğlu E. T. (2023). CLONAL VARIATIONS IN GROWTH CHARACTERISTICSOF ANATOLIAN BLACK PINE SEED ORCHARDS. Journal Agriculture and Forestry, 69, 97-104.
        • 5BİLİR N., ÇETİNKAYA D. (2022). Morphological variation and quality in Anatolian black pine seedlings. Theoretical and Applied Forestry, 2, 19-21.
        • 6Özbey A. A., BİLİR N. (2022). BLOCK EFFECT ON GENETIC PARAMETERS IN A 23-YEAR-OLD PROGENY TRIAL OF PINUS BRUTIA. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, 12, 5-13.
        • 8ÖZBEY A. A., BİLİR N. (2022). Growth performance of seed sources in a progeny trial of Pinus brutia Ten.. REFORESTA, 13, 1-6.
        • 9Ertuğrul G. S., BİLİR N. (2022). Evaluation of Silvicultural Practices in Burned Areas of Kütahya. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi, 13, 203-210.
        • 10Kartal R., BİLİR N. (2022). EVALUATION OF EHRAMI BLACK PINE PLANTATIONS IN ISPARTA DISTRICT: 30th YEAR RESULTS. Bartin Universitesi, 5, 10-17.
        • 11Ertuğrul G. S., BİLİR N. (2022). EVALUATION OF SOME SILVICULTURAL PRACTICES IN KUTAHYA DISTRICT. Bartin Universitesi, 5, 38-46.
        • 12BİLİR N. (2022). Çiçekli Dişbudak’ta Bazı Tohum Özelliklerinin Kalıtım Derecesi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi, 13, 129-133.
        • 13BİLİR N. (2021). Türkiye'deki ağaçlandırma faaliyetlerinin alansal irdelenmesi. Theoretical and Applied Forestry, 1, 1-4.
        • 14BİLİR N. (2021). Orman ağaçlarında fidan kalite sınıflaması: Kızılçam örneği. Theoretical and Applied Forestry, 1, 61-65.
        • 15BİLİR N. (2021). Kızılçam ve Karaçam Tohum Bahçelerinde Gen Çeşitliliği. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 12, 150-155.
        • 16BİLİR N. (2021). Growth performances in the planting and seeding areas of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.). Agriculture & Forestry, 67, 81-88.
        • 17İMREN E., KURT R., YÜCEDAĞ C., BİLİR N., ÖZEL H. B., ÇETİN M., ŞEVİK H. (2021). Selection of Superior Clones by the Multi-Dimensional Decision-Making Techniques in Scots Pine Seed Orchard. Journal of Forests, 8, 13-22.
        • 18ÇETİNKAYA D., BİLİR N. (2020). Kesim artıklarının kızılçam fidecik özelliklerine etkisi. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 21.
        • 19ERTUĞRUL G. S., BİLİR N. (2020). Anadolu Karaçamı Doğal Gençleştirme Sahasında Bazı Değerlendirmeler. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 21, 75-81.
        • 20USLU M., BİLİR N. (2020). Dallı Servi ve Piramit Servi\u2019nin Morfolojik Fidan Özellikleri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11, 12-21.
        • 21TUĞÇE B., BİLİR N. (2020). Kuşburnu’nda (Rosa canina L.) Bazı Meyve ve Büyüme Özellikleri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11, 124-129.
        • 22ÇETİNKAYA D., BİLİR N. (2020). Effect of using harvesting residues as a nurserymedia on seedling weight in Brutian pine (Pinusbrutia Ten.). REFORESTA, 9, 37-43.
        • 23ÇETİNKAYA D., BİLİR N. (2019). Toros sediri’nde (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) fidan tipi x fidan morfolojisi etkileşimi.. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10, 28-33.
        • 24BİLİR N. (2019). Kızılçam’da (Pinus brutia Ten.) Fidan Kalitesi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10, 95-101.
        • 25BİLİR N. (2019). Toros Çiçekli Dişbudağı’nda Fidan ve Tohum Özelliklerine Ait Morfolojik Varyasyonlar. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 21, 525-533.
        • 26ÇERÇİOĞLU M., BİLİR N. (2018). Altitudinal Fertility Variation in Natural Populations ofAnatolian Black Pine [Pinus nigra Arnold. Subsp.Pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe]. International Journal of Science and Research Methodology, 8, 136-146.
        • 27ÇERÇİOĞLU M., BİLİR N. (2018). Burdur-Gölhisar Yöresi Anadolu Karaçamı [Pinus nigra Arnold. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.)Holmboe] Popülasyonlarında Üreme x Büyüme Özellikleri Etkileşimi.. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9, 98-108.
        • 28UÇARCI H., BİLİR N. (2018). Giresun-İkisu Doğu Ladini (Picea orientalis (L.) Link.) GençleştirmeSahalarının Silvikültürel Değerlendirmesi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9, 45-50.
        • 29ÖZEL H. B., YÜCEDAĞ C., BİLİR N., ÖLMEZ Z., VV A. (2018). Kızılçamda (Pinus brutia Ten.) Fidan Tiplerinin Morfolojik Karakterlere Etkisi. Bartın Üniversitesi Uluslararası Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 1, 43-47.
        • 30ÖZEL S., ÇETİNKAYA D., BİLİR N. (2018). Investigation of Plantations in Isparta-YalvacDistrict of Turkey. International Journal for Research in Applied Science Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 6, 1899-1903.
        • 31TANİŞMAN V., BİLİR N. (2017). Investigation of Silvicultural Practices Baskomutan Historical National Park of Turkey. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 5, 1375-1379.
        • 32BİLİR N. (2017). General over-view of forest establishment in Turkey. reforesta, 3, 48-52.
        • 33Erat A. Z., Tekocak S., Yılmazer Ç., BİLİR N. (2016). Yield and characteristics of leaf in bay laurel Laurus nobilis L populations. Research & Reviews inBioSciences, 11, 5-9.
        • 34ÇERÇİOĞLU M., BİLİR N. (2016). . Seed source effect on quality and morphology of Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) seedlings.. REFORESTA, 2, 1-5.
        • 35YILMAZER Ç., BİLİR N. (2016). Effect of Seedling Type in Morphology and Quality of Brutian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) Seedlings. IJRSRST, 25, 237-240.
        • 36ÖZEL H. B., BİLİR N. (2016). Effects of light and moisture on growth and morphological characteristics of Horsechestnut Aesculus hippocastanum L seedlings in the western Blacksea region in Turkey. Agriculture & Forestry,Podgorica, 62, 65-69.
        • 37SUNGUR N., BİLİR N. (2015). Isparta Senirkent Yöresi Orman Rehabilitasyon Sahalarının Başarı Durumu. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19, 107-111.
        • 38ÖZEL H. B., KIRDAR E., BİLİR N. (2015). THE EFFECTS OF MAGNETIC FIELD ON GERMINATION OF THE SEEDS OF ORIENTAL BEECH Fagus orientalis Lipsky AND GROWTH OF SEEDLINGS. The Journal "Agriculture and Forestry", 61, 195-206.
        • 40TEBES N. T., SEYEDI N., BİLİR N. (2015). Morphological characteristics and quality in Black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold. subsp. pallasiana) seedlings. International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology, 4, 7-9.
        • 41Dilaver M., Sayedi N., BİLİR N. (2015). Seedling Quality and Morphology in Seed Sources and Seedling Type of Brutian Pine Pinus brutia Ten. World Journal of Agricultural Research, 3, 83-85.
        • 42GÜLCÜ S., AKKAYA O., BİLİR N. (2014). Göller Yöresi Anadolu Karaçamı (Pinus nigra Arnold.) Populasyonlarında Genetik Kazanç. Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi,, 14, 93-100.
        • 43AVCI A. B., BİLİR N. (2013). Morphological variations in lavandin (Lavandula hybrida) and lavender(Lavandula officinalis) clones. Applied Cell Biology, 2, 88-92.
        • 44BİLİR N., KAYA C., ulusan m. (2010). Aydın Orijinli Fıstıkçamı Pinus pinea L Fidanlarında Morfolojik Özellikler ve Fidan Kalites. Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 10, 37-43.
        • 45ÖZKAN K., BİLİR N. (2008). Influence of soil and topographical characteristics on spatial distribution of wildrosa (Rosa canina L.) and its indicator species in Beysehir watershed, Mediterrian region, Turkey. The Malaysian Forester, 70, 87-96.
        • 46MUSA U., BİLİR N. (2008). Effective number of clones in seed orchards of Cedrus libani A.. P.J. Biological Sciences, 11, 2159-2162.
        • 47BİLİR N. (2004). Toros Sediri’xxnde (Cedrus libani A.Rich.) Boy, Çap ve Hacim için Yaşlar Arası Fenotipik İlişkiler.. SDÜ Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 1, 12-18.
          • SCI, SSCI ve AHCI dışındaki indeks ve özler tarafından taranan Ulusal dergilerde yayımlanan teknik not, editöre mektup, tartışma, vaka takdimi ve özet türünden yayınlar dışındaki makale
          • 1YAZICI N., BABALIK A. A., BİLİR N. (2022). Toros Sediri (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) Ağaçlandırmalarında Büyümeye Eğimin Etkisi: Dinar Örneği. Cankiri Karatekin Universitesi, 8, 1-5.
          • 2Ertuğrul G. S., BİLİR N. (2021). Effect of slope on reproduction morphology and quality in natural regeneration of Brutian pine. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 4, 89-94.
          • 3baloğlu e. t., BİLİR N. (2020). Kırmızı Alıç’ta Meyve Verimi ve Bazı Büyüme Özellikleri Etkileşimi. Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 3, 66-72.
          • 4ÖZKAN K., BİLİR N. (2008). Influence of soil and topographical characteristics on spatial distribution of wildrosa (Rosa canina L.) and its indicator species in Beysehir watershed, Mediterrian region, Turkey. The Malaysian Forester, 70, 87-96.. The Malaysian Forester, 70, 87-96.
          • 5GEZER A., GÜLCÜ S., BİLİR N. (2002). Isparta Göller Yöresi Sarıçam (Pinus silvestris L.) Orijin Denemeleri(İlk Aşama Sonuçları).. SDÜ Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 1, 1-18.
            • Uluslararası toplantıda sunularak özet metin olarak yayımlanan bildiri
            • 1Lazdina D., Tsakaldimi M., BİLİR N., Madsen e. a. P. (2024). Forest regeneration practices in Europe- legal frame, species used and technologies implemented. PEN-CAFoRR Final Conference, Eylül 4-5, Belgrade, 68-69.
            • 2BİLİR N., BABALIK A. A., ÖZEL H. B. (2024). Strobili, conelet and cone productions in clonal seed orchards of Anatolian black pine. The 26th IUFRO World Congress, Haziran 23-29, Stockholm, 1-1.
            • 3Kang K., Lindgren D., BİLİR N., Kim Y., Jeon K. (2024). Estimation of Genetic Gain and Gene Diversity for Seed Orchard Crop SEED ORCHARD CROPS. UFRO Seed Orchards Conference, Mayıs 20-24, Braşov, 21-21.
            • 4BİLİR N., BABALIK A. A., ÖZEL H. B., ÖZTÜRK Y. O., ERTAŞ T. B. (2024). Variation of Strobili and Cone Productions in Clonal Seed Orchards of Anatolian Black Pine. UFRO Seed Orchards Conference, Mayıs 20-24, Braşov, 24-24.
            • 5BİLİR N., ÇETİNKAYA D. (2018). Variation of morphology and quality in 1+0 year containerized and bare-root seedlings of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich). International Conference REFORESTATION CHALLENGES, Haziran 20-22, 10-10.
            • 6BİLİR N., ÇETİNKAYA D. (2018). Variation of morphology and quality in 10 year containerized and bare-root seedlings of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich). International Conference REFORESTATION CHALLENGES, Haziran 20-22, 10-10.
            • 7BİLİR N., ÖZEL H. B. (2017). Fertility Variation in a Natural Stand of Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.). International Forestryand Environment Symposium (IFES), Kasım 7-10, 201-201.
            • 8BİLİR N., ÖZEL H. B. (2017). Effects of the Timing of Grafting on the Success of Grafting in Anatolian Walnut (Junglans regia L.)Seedling Production. International Forestry and Environment Symposium (IFES), Kasım 7-10, 198-198.
            • 9ÖZEL H. B., VAROL T., BİLİR N., KAPUKIRAN İ. (2017). Estimation of Number of Natural Juvenilities in Oriental Beech (Fagusorientalis Lipsky.) and Uludag Fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmülleriana Mattf ) Mixed Stands in Kumluca Forest RangeDirectorate by Different Automatic Learning Algorithms. XIII. Congress of Ecology and Environment With InternationalParticipation, Eylül 12-15, 736-736.
            • 10BİLİR N. (2017). Cone Production Variation in a Clonal Seed Orchard of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris). Seed Orchard Conference, Eylül 4-6, 49-49.
            • 11BİLİR N., ÖZEL H. B. (2017). Variation in Strobili and Cone Production among Clones in a Pinus nigra Seed Orchard. International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food Science and Technologies, Mayıs 15-17, Nevşehir, Ürgüp, 798.
            • 12ÖZEL H. B., BİLİR N. (2017). Zonguldak Bölgesi Fıstıkçamı (Pinus pinea L.) Orijinlerinde Büyüme ve Adaptasyon Farklılıkları. International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food Sciences and Technologies (ICAFOF 2017), Mayıs 15-17, Nevşehir, Ürgüp, 410.
            • 13ÇERÇİOĞLU M., BİLİR N. (2016). Seedling Quality and Morphology in Seedling Types of Mediterranean Cypress Cupressus sempervirens L. Reforestation Challenges Conference, Haziran 27-29, 44-45.
            • 14Keleş H., PINAR H., Yetkin Z., BİLİR N. (2016). Changes of Some Morphological Characteristics of Naturel Grown Carob Ceratonia siliqua L Leaves. Symposium on Euroasian Biodiversity (SEAB-2016), Mayıs 23-27, 27-27.
            • 15ÖZEL H. B., BİLİR N., UCUN Ö. H., Efe M. (2016). Effects of Climate Change on Seed Production in Seed Stands of Anatolian Black Pine Pinus nigra Arnold subsp pallasiana Lamb Holmboe in the Kastamonu region in Turkey. International Conference, Credit-2016, Mart 31-2, 142-143.
            • 16BİLİR N. (2009). Cone, Seed and Nut Characters in Pinus pinea.. Seed Orchard Conference., Eylül 9-11, 22-22.
            • 17ÖZKAN K., BİLİR N. (2007). Influence of soil and topographical characteristics on spatial distribution of wild rosa (Rosa canina L.) and its indicator species in Beysehir watershed. International Conference on Environment: Survival and Sustainability, Şubat 19-24, 52-52.
              • Uluslararası toplantıda poster, sözlü sunum ile gösterimleri
              • 1Kang K., BİLİR N., Jeon K., Kim Y. (2024). Fertility variation and gene diversity in forest populations. The 26th IUFRO World Congress, Haziran 23-29, Stockholm, 1-1.
              • 2ÖZEL H. B., YÜCEDAĞ C., BİLİR N. (2017). Evaluation of Afghan Pine (Pinus elderica Medw.) Afforestation in the Şanlıurfa-HilvanRegion in Turkey. International Forestry and Environment Symposium (IFES), Kasım 7-10, 196-196.
              • 3ERTUĞRUL G. S., BİLİR N. (2017). Silvicultural Success of Sogut Forest Management Chieftaincy Regeneretion Conversion of QuercusL. Coppice Areas. International Forestry and Environment Symposium (IFES), Kasım 7-10, 197-197.
              • 4BİLİR N., ÇETİNKAYA D., ÇERÇİOĞLU M. (2017). Effect of Biotic Stress on Strobili and Cone Productions in a Natural Population of Brutian Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.). Seed Orchard Conference, Eylül 4-6, 63-63.
              • 5BİLİR N., ÇERÇİOĞLU M., ÇETİNKAYA D. (2017). Interaction between Cone Production and Growth Traits in a Mediterranean Cypress(Cupressus sempervirens L.) Plantation. Seed Orchard Conference, Eylül 4-6, 64-64.
              • 6ÖZEL H. B., UCUN Ö. H., BİLİR N. (2015). Determination of the effects of heavy metal pollution caused by the vehicle traffic on leaf morphological and anatomic structure of black locust Robinia pseudoacacia L trees. 3rd International conference Harmonization of Environmental Research and Teaching with Sustainable Policy-HERTSPO2015, Kasım 6-8, 51-60.
              • 7ÖZEL H. B., BİLİR N. (2015). Growth Performances and Eco physiological Characteristics Pedunculate Oak Quercus robur L Origins in Turkish Coppice Forests. Conference Ecology and Silvicultural Management of Coppice Forets in Europe, Ekim 19-21, 16-17.
              • 8ÖZEL H. B., BİLİR N. (2015). Effects of light and moisture on growth and morphological characteristics of Horsechestnut Aesculus hippocastanum L seedlings in the western Blacksea region in Turkey. Agrosym 2015, Ekim 15-18, Jahorina, 792-792.
              • 9ÖZEL H. B., BİLİR N. (2015). Determination of genetic gain of pyramidal black pine Pinus nigra subsp pallasianavar pyramidata populations in Turkey. 6th Balkan Botanical Congress, Eylül 14-18, 94-95.
              • 11BİLİR N., KANG K. (2014). Estimation of fertility variation by strobili and cone productions in Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) populations.. IUFRO Forest Tree Breeding Conference, Ağustos 25-29, 42-42.
              • 12Keleş H., Ulusoy R., BİLİR N. (2014). Doğal Keçiboynuzu Ceratonia siliqua L Gen Kaynaklarının Tespit Önem ve Korunması. III. Uluslararası Odun Dışı Orman Ürünleri Sempozyumu, Mayıs 8-10, 71-79.
                • Uluslararası toplantıda sunularak tam metin olarak yayımlanan bildiri
                • 1SARIMSAKÇI E., BİLİR N. (2024). Effect of Tending Practices on Growth Performances of Natural Reproductions of Anatolian Black Pine. Anadolu 14th International Conference On Applied Science, Şubat 16-18, Gaziantep, 241-246.
                • 2BİLİR N., YAZICI N. (2024). Inventory of Some Forestry Practices in Last Decade. Anadolu 14th International Conference On Applied Science, Şubat 16-18, Gaziantep, 236-240.
                • 3BİLİR N., YAZICI N. (2024). An Examination in Seed Stands of Anatolian Black Pine. 6th Latin American Scientific Research Congress, Şubat 1-1, Havana, 154-158.
                • 4ÖYE A., BİLİR N. (2024). Seedlıng Morphology and Quality in Arizona Cypress and Meditterranean Cypress. 6th Latin American Scientific Research Congress, Şubat 1-1, Havana, 148-153.
                • 5BİLİR N., YAZICI N. (2024). Seed Stands: A Case Study in Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.). Africa 4th International Conference on New Horizons in Science, Ocak 19-21, Casablanca, 283-287.
                • 6DEVECİ İ., BİLİR N. (2024). Variations of Some Growth Characteristics and Acorn Production in Kasnak Oak. Africa 4th International Conference on New Horizons in Science, Ocak 19-21, Casablanca, 288-293.
                • 7BİLİR N. (2024). Sturdiness Index and Its Importance in Seedlıng Quality: A Case Study in Brutian Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.). 5th International Mediterraneanian Scientific Research Congress, Ocak 13-14, Mersin, 763-766.
                • 8BİLİR N. (2024). Effective Number of Parent in Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.). 5th International Mediterraneanian Scientific Research Congress, Ocak 13-14, Mersin, 758-768.
                • 9BİLİR N., Baloğlu E. T. (2023). Repeatability for Some Reproductive Traits in Taurus Cedar. 4. International Mediterranean Scientific Research Congress, Haziran 15-16, Nicosia, 539545.
                • 10Yücedağ S., Baloğlu E. T., BİLİR N. (2023). Acorn Production Variation in Turkey Oak. 4. International Mediterranean Scientific Research Congress, Haziran 15-16, Nicosia, 551-556.
                • 11BİLİR N. (2023). Clonal Variation of Cone Production in a Scots Pine Seed Orchard. 4. International Antalya Scientific Research and Innovative Studies Congress, Mayıs 9-10, Antalya, 393-397.
                • 12Özbey Y., BİLİR N. (2023). Growth Performances of Some Forest Tree Species in Afforestation Areas . 4. International Antalya Scientific Research and Innovative Studies Congress, Mayıs 9-10, Antalya, 398-404.
                • 13YAZICI N., BİLİR N. (2023). Effect of Terracing on Growth of Taurıs Cedar (Cedrus libani): A Case Study From Isparta District. Latin American International Congress on Natural and Applied Sciences -IV, Mart 13-15, Rio de Janeiro, 58-64.
                • 14YAZICI N., BİLİR N. (2023). Growth Variation in Forest Tree Species in Afforestation of Gradoni Terracing. Latin American International Congress on Natural and Applied Sciences -IV, Mart 13-15, Rio de Janeiro, 65-71.
                • 15BİLİR N., BABALIK A. A., ÖZEL H. B., Öztürk Y. O., Baloğlu E. T. (2023). Growth Variation in Seed Stands of Anatolian Black Pine. 4. International Anatolian Scientific Research Congress, Şubat 17-20, Kars, 178-185.
                • 16Baloğlu E. T., YAZICI N., BİLİR N. (2023). Growth Performances in Afforestation Areas of Anatolian Black Pine and Scots Pine. International Euroasia Congress on Scientific Researches and Recent Trends 10., Şubat 16-17, Bakü, 225-230.
                • 17Öztürk Y. O., BİLİR N. (2023). Relations between Cone Production and Growth Characteristics in Marginal and Common Populations of Anatolian Black Pine. 2. International Mediterranean Conference, Şubat 2-3, Beyrut, 13-17.
                • 18BİLİR N., ÇETİNKAYA D. (2023). Cone Production by Age Groups in Cedrus libani . 2. International Mediterranean Conference, Şubat 2-3, Beyrut, 38-43.
                • 19Ertuğrul G. S., BİLİR N. (2022). Cone Production Variation in Natural Populations of Anatolian Black Pine . 3rd International Anatolian Congress on Scientific Research, Aralık 27, Kayseri, 378-383.
                • 20Baloğlu E. T., BİLİR N. (2022). Cone production and growth characteristics in an afforestation area of Scots pine. 3rd International Anatolian Congress on Scientific Research, Aralık 27, Kayseri, 917-922.
                • 21ÖZEL H. B., BİLİR N. (2019). FİDANLIK KOŞULLARINDA DOĞU ÇINARI (PLATANUS ORİENTALİS L.)ORİJİNLERİNDE BÜYÜME VE MORFOGENETİK VARVASYONLAR. Uluslararası Marmara Fen ve Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Nisan 26, koc, 192-196.
                • 22BİLİR N., YAZICI N., ÖZEL H. B. (2018). Effect of growth and geographic characters on cone production in Taurus fir (Abies cilicica Carr.).. Uluslararası Marmara Fen ve SosyalBilimler Kongresi, Kasım 23-25, 480-483.
                • 23ÖZEL H. B., BİLİR N., YAZICI N., çakmaklı u. (2018). Yamaç Durumunun Camiyanı Karaçamı (Pinus nigra arnold. Subsp. pallasiana) Fidanlarının Adaptasyon Yeteneği Üzerindeki Etkisi .. Uluslararası Marmara Fen ve Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi,, Kasım 23-25, 436-440.
                • 24AVCI A. B., BİLİR N. (2018). Non-Wood Product Potential in Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich): Essential Oil.. 4 th International Symposium of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Ekim 2-4, 7-11.
                • 25BİLİR N., ÇETİNKAYA D. (2018). Morphological Characteristics in Seed Orchard and Seed Stand Seedlings of Brutian Pine (Pinus Brutia Ten.).. 2 International Congress on Multidisciplinary, Mayıs 4-5, 57-62.
                • 26ÇETİNKAYA D., BİLİR N. (2018). Morphology and Quality of 2+0 Year Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani A.Rich) Seedlings.. 2 International Congress on Multidisciplinary, Mayıs 4-5, 63-66.
                • 27BİLİR N., AYAN S., ÖZEL H. B. (2018). Variation of seedling morphogenetic in Mediterranean hackberry (Celtis australis L.) provenances.. International Congress on Engineering and Life Sciences, Nisan 26-29, 425-429.
                • 28ÖZEL H. B., BİLİR N. (2017). Determination on The Number of Roots in Pure Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) Forests in Karabük-Yenice Districtof Turkey. 1st International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, Kasım 2-4, TOKAT, 55-59.
                • 29ÇETİNKAYA D., BİLİR N. (2017). Kızılçam (Pinus brutia) Kabuğunun Çimlenme Üzerine Etkileri. 2nd International MediterraneanScience and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2017), Ekim 25-27, 480-485.
                • 30ÖZEL H. B., BİLİR N., Çakmaklı U. (2016). Effects of Seedling Age on Survival and Growth Performance in Artificial Regeneration Practices of Oriental Beech Fagus orientalis Lipsky. International Forestry Symposium (IFS 2016), Aralık 7-7, 384-392.
                • 31ÖZEL H. B., Özbay E., BİLİR N. (2016). Adapazarı Karasu Yöresindeki Saf Doğu Kayını Fagus orientalis Lipsky Ormanlarında Sıklık Bakımının Çap ve Boy Gelişimi Üzerindeki Etkileri. International Science and Technology Conference, July 13-15, Vienna, Austria, p. 69-75, Temmuz 13-15, 65-79.
                  • Ulusal toplantıda sunularak özet metin olarak yayımlanan bildiri
                  • 1BİLİR N., YAZICI N., ÖZEL H. B. (2018). Examination of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani) afforestation in Isparta province of Turkey. International Conference Reforestation Challenges, Haziran 20, Belgrade, 33-33.
                  • 2ÜÇLER A. Ö., GÜLCÜ S., BİLİR N. (2000). Anadolu Karaçamı ve Kızılçam’xxda Tohum Kaynağı-Morfolojik FidanKalitesi İlişkileri. II. Ulusal Fidancılık Sempozyumu, Eylül 25-29, 39-39.
                  • 3GEZER A., GÜLCÜ S., BİLİR N. (2000). Sarıçam (Pinus silvestris L.) Fidanlarında Kalite sınıflaması. II. Ulusal Fidancılık Sempozyumu, Eylül 25-29, 37-37.
                    • Ulusal toplantıda sunularak tam metin olarak yayımlanan bildiri
                    • 1BİLİR N., AYAN S. (2005). Doğu Ladini Tohum Bahcelerinde Etkili Klon Sayısı.. Ladin Sempozyumu, Ekim 20-22.
                      • SCI, SSCI ve AHCI dışındaki uluslararası indeks ve özler tarafından taranan dergilerde editörlük
                      • 1BİLİR N. (2024). Theoretical and Applied Forestry. Sekizgen Academy.
                      • 2BİLİR N. (2023). Theoretical and Applied Forestry. Sekizgen Academy.
                      • 3BİLİR N. (2021). Theoretical and Applied Forestry. Nebi Bilir.
                      • 4YangHui H., ShiHai D., Francisco M. L., Peng J., BİLİR N. (2019). Advances in Research. Science Domain.
                      • 5BİLİR N., YÜCEDAĞ C. (2019). Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry. scidomain.
                      • 6Bayramova A., BİLİR N., Mi S. (2018). Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Reviews. innovation.
                        • SCI, SSCI ve AHCI tarafından taranan dergilerde yardımcı editörlük veya konuk editörlük
                        • 1BİLİR N. (2023). Forests. MDPI.
                          • Ulusal Hakemsiz bilimsel veya mesleki dergilerde yayın veya editör kurulu üyeliği
                          • 1BİLİR N., ÇATAL Y. (2018). Yeşil-Dünya. Orman Mühendisleri.